Ok, so you have learned the scale in C, now it is time to start playing scales with sharps and flats in them. When you see a # sign next to a note, is simply means that the note is raised a half step (a semitone for those in the UK and Australia) So, if you have F on the first fret of the first string, the F# is on the second fret.  A flat will do the opposite, it lowers it a half step. So if G is on the third fret, first string. Gb will be on the second fret.

G major has one sharp in the scale (F#) and F major has one flat (Bb). These scales can be written with the notes adjusted individually like this:

CGC Gmajor with accidental

Or they can have a key signature that signifies that all notes displayed in the key signature should be adjusted unless specified otherwise. Like this:

CGC Gmajor with key signature

Key signatures are used because they prevent the score getting filled up with too many dots etc.

You will find that G major and F major feel similar in first position to C major, and they are similar. They share all the same notes except for one. For this reason we could say that these keys are closely related and you will find in some repertoire that the music modulates between keys that are closely related.

G major brings in the fourth finger to access the F# on the fourth string. You might find it a tricky stretch to start out, but persevere and be sure to place the finger right up against the fret.

G major ex


CGC F Major

For now, focus on the new note in each scale, and get very familiar with the name and fret. Your goal will be able to find these new notes without even thinking!

If you would like to use the free scale book to accompany this lesson, please feel free to Download Your Daily Scales Now