A lookback at CGC 2019
Hundreds of thousands of guitarists served With the CGC podcast nearing half a million downloads, our youtube channel closing in on two million views, and our website serving over 200,000 unique visitors [...]
Hundreds of thousands of guitarists served With the CGC podcast nearing half a million downloads, our youtube channel closing in on two million views, and our website serving over 200,000 unique visitors [...]
Ornamentation in the Music of JS Bach In this article we will look closely at ornamentation in the music of JS Bach. First we'll look at some general principles from the baroque era, focusing [...]
We are fortunate to have so many wonderful contemporary composers who not only write for but also play the guitar and so understand how to compose for the instrument. Russian composer Nikita Koshkin is one [...]
Back in September we had our Grade Exam Submissions over at CGC Academy. We have been consistently receiving higher and higher quality submissions every round and we're so delighted in the hard work each of [...]
Guitar Salon International has been gradually releasing videos on some of the wonderful duets arranged by Agustin Barrios in the new volume published by Les Productions d'Oz, El Libro de Oro -- a six-volume Complete [...]
3 Ways to Improve Your Rhythm In this video Simon gives you 3 ways to improve your rhythm. Because we often play alone as classical guitarists, it's easy to distort the rhythm. So [...]