Classical Guitar Blog

Sydney Summer School

After a very long flight (via Beijing) I am down in Sydney, Australia and we are ready to start the Sydney Classical Guitar Summer School tomorrow. The teachers include Tim Kain, John Couch, Giusseppe Zangari, [...]

Simon’s update Dec 2014

Good grief, the last time I wrote a personal update was way back in August. There has been a lot going on since then and I will do my best to be succinct! In October [...]

The best classical guitar teacher?

Common advice to a beginner classical guitarist is to find yourself the best classical guitar teacher available, but what exactly makes a good teacher? Furthermore, how do you know if you are getting good instruction [...]

Naming your guitar

I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to name all of my guitars. After spending so much time with them it just doesn't feel right not to call them by a first [...]

Norfolk New Music Festival

Evita and I in Rochester Hi everyone, happy summer and happy world cup! Australia is out of the running, but being a dual citizen, I still get to [...]

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