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Identify chords in your music

Finding chords in pieces - C G, G7 D7 Chords are one of the brilliant things on the guitar that makes it so popular. Chords are pretty easy to get up and running, and with [...]

Free Stroke Technique

Free stroke, also known as tirando, is the most commonly used stroke in classical guitar technique. It can produce a variety of sounds and dynamics, while using very little energy from the right hand. Tirando [...]

Sight Reading 1 Beginner Steps

  Sight reading is an important skill that should be developed from an early stage. In level 1, we are beginners, and so we will approach sight reading with a realistic set of goals, and [...]

The Pivot Finger

Pivot Fingers A pivot finger helps your left hand move around the fingerboard, just as a guide finger does. A guide finger will help with shifts but a pivot finger is going to assist complex [...]

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