
L204 Fingering Principles 1

Fingering principles for the classical guitar Good fingering on the classical guitar can make a huge difference in both technical and musical aspects. It can completely change the way a passage of music sounds and [...]

L319 Starting a new piece

By this stage you are getting into some pretty great repertoire, and the pieces are starting to get more complex. In simple pieces, it might work for you if you just sit down and start [...]

L217 Phrasing – The Sentence Structure

In some recent guitar classes I gave in Australian universities I found myself talking about phrase structure quite a lot.  Phrasing in music is incredibly important, but it is also important to recognize the smaller [...]

The C Major scale

This is going to be our first scale and the C major scale is a great place to start. C major has no sharps and no flats and by learning the C scale in first [...]