
Classical Guitar Left Hand Position

The left hand is required to run a lot of tasks while playing the guitar, and classical repertoire in particular makes hefty demands. For this reason it is important to set up your left hand [...]

How to Do Vibrato on Guitar

How to Do Vibrato on Guitar In this article we'll look at how to do vibrato on guitar. Vibrato on the guitar can make a note really come 'alive'. It can make the note sustain [...]

The sitting position

The correct sitting position to play the classical guitar is the easiest task to master, and guess what... you already know it. Start by sitting down without the guitar - sit on a [...]

Metronome Practice

Metronome Practice In this article we'll look at metronome practice. That is, we'll walk through how to make the metronome your friend and get the most out of it in your practice. When I was [...]