Bonnie Stenstrom
September 28, 2020 at 2:49 pm - Reply
Hello Simon and CGC Academy,
A wonderful podcast which I think warrants examination of our individual attentions to these three areas of learning. I believe there is a ratio between the intellectual acquisitive learning for classical guitar and the physicality of playing … which would be the skill and the behavioural aspect of learning. The ratio varies for each individual and in adult learners, the knowledge acquisition will often be given more attention than the physicality. I think it’s the opposite for children. None of this is cast in stone of course! But each person has to find that balance in order to achieve success and as you say, being forgiving and kind to oneself along the way helps a great deal with perseverance and determination. Thanks Simon for the clarity you provide with this issue. I’m also excited about the Ukulele project!! Good for you!
Hello Simon and CGC Academy,
A wonderful podcast which I think warrants examination of our individual attentions to these three areas of learning. I believe there is a ratio between the intellectual acquisitive learning for classical guitar and the physicality of playing … which would be the skill and the behavioural aspect of learning. The ratio varies for each individual and in adult learners, the knowledge acquisition will often be given more attention than the physicality. I think it’s the opposite for children. None of this is cast in stone of course! But each person has to find that balance in order to achieve success and as you say, being forgiving and kind to oneself along the way helps a great deal with perseverance and determination. Thanks Simon for the clarity you provide with this issue. I’m also excited about the Ukulele project!! Good for you!