Julie Watson has been a member at CGC Academy for almost two years now. In that time she has become an essential, dedicated member of the CGC Academy community and last year she attended the first annual CGC Summer School. Here Julie performs Fernando Sor’s Etude in D Major, Op. 35, no. 17. Julie also writes a blog about learning classical guitar as an adult: check it out here. Please leave a comment to congratulate Julie on her playing and on her continued progress on the classical guitar!

Fernando Sor’s Op. 35 was first published in September of 1828 under the title Vingt-quatre Exercises. Unlike his earlier studies (Opp. 6 and 29) Op. 35 has fingerings throughout and the pieces are much easier than the earlier sets. As Brian Jeffery concludes, this set of studies (along with Op. 31) “shows Sor gradually taking on the role, no longer primarily of composer, but of teacher” (Brian Jeffery, Fernando Sor: Composer and Guitarist [London: Tecla, 1977], 101). – Dave Belcher