Ferdinando Carulli
Ferdinando Carulli (1770 – 1841) was an Italian composer and guitarist. Though born in Naples, he settled in Paris, like many of his contemporaries. Unlike many of his contemporaries, however, he did not discover the guitar until he was twenty years old. His first instrument was the cello.
Carulli was best known during his time in Paris as a teacher. He composed many important pedagogical works for the guitar. His most important work was his Méthode Complète, Op.27, published in 1810. This method for the guitar received 4 further printings and a substantial revision in Op.241. In addition to these there is a supplement (Op.192) that contains additional material to go with the method. He also published a book on harmony, a book on solfège, a book on accompaniment for guitarists, and more.
Carulli also wrote many substantial pieces for two guitars. His Duo in G, Op.34, became a well-established piece in the guitar duo repertoire.

Sheet Music
Méthode Complète, Op.27
Méthode Complète, Op.27 (PDF download)
Moderato (duet), Méthode Complète, Op. 27 (video)
Supplement à la Méthode, Op.192:
Supplement à la Méthode, Op.192 (PDF download)
Méthode Complète (rev. ed.), Op.241:
Méthode Complète (rev. ed.), Op.241 (PDF download)
L’Harmonie appliquée à la Guitare:
L’Harmonie appliquée à la Guitare (PDF download)
Solfèges et Vocalises pour la Guitare, Op.195:
Solfèges et Vocalises pour la Guitare, Op.195 (PDF download)
Sonate pour la Guitare, Op.5:
Sonate pour la guitare, Op.5 (PDF download)
3 Duos pour deux guitares, Op.89:
3 Duos pour deux guitares, Op.89 (PDF download)
Recueil de Differents Morceaux faciles et progressifs pour la guitare seule et pour deux guitares, Op.120:
Recueil de 18 Morceaux (for one and two guitars), Op.120 (PDF download)
24 Pièces, Op.121:
24 Pièces, Op.121 (PDF download)
Fantaisie pour Guitare seule, Op.201:
Fantaisie pour Guitare seule, Op.201 (PDF download)
Morceaux Progressifs, Op.264:
Morceaux Progressifs, Op.264 (PDF download)