Your too kind but appreciated. I have enjoyed your web ventures since you first started putting your site up as a student. Enjoy Australia. Do you have any plans for a new CD in the future?
Yes I am planning to record this program when I get back to New York. I had hoped to record it late last year, but with that long winter, and my arch enemy (monthly rent) life just seemed to get in the way! It is almost the same program as my doctoral recital, so it is sitting comfortably in the hands now.
For #1 routine Finger independence, the third note and second note, which is G flat and F sharp, are the same thing, played on the same fret. I’m just wondering if it’s left as it is on purpose or ?
Hi John, thanks for the question. That sign next to the G is actually a natural sign, not a flat sign. So the notes go G# G natural, F# then F natural. Funny though, in the same line I really should have put a natural sign next to the F to make it clear. Also on the C natural on the second string! So thank you for bringing that to my attention.
A natural sign is used to bring down a sharp note half a step or bring a flat note up half a step back to the “natural” note. You will often see this in music where there is a sharp note followed by a natural note. For example A sharp – A natural, in the same bar.
Your too kind but appreciated. I have enjoyed your web ventures since you first started putting your site up as a student. Enjoy Australia. Do you have any plans for a new CD in the future?
Hi Steve,
Yes I am planning to record this program when I get back to New York. I had hoped to record it late last year, but with that long winter, and my arch enemy (monthly rent) life just seemed to get in the way! It is almost the same program as my doctoral recital, so it is sitting comfortably in the hands now.
Hey Simon,
I bought theh technical routines for beginners.
For #1 routine Finger independence, the third note and second note, which is G flat and F sharp, are the same thing, played on the same fret. I’m just wondering if it’s left as it is on purpose or ?
Hi John, thanks for the question. That sign next to the G is actually a natural sign, not a flat sign. So the notes go G# G natural, F# then F natural. Funny though, in the same line I really should have put a natural sign next to the F to make it clear. Also on the C natural on the second string! So thank you for bringing that to my attention.
A natural sign is used to bring down a sharp note half a step or bring a flat note up half a step back to the “natural” note. You will often see this in music where there is a sharp note followed by a natural note. For example A sharp – A natural, in the same bar.
Hi Will,
Just sent you an email, and made sure your account is working properly.