Classical Guitar Corner Reviews and Testimonials

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a member at the CGC Academy?

On this page you will find a wide range of reviews and testimonials from students, teachers, and colleagues.

If you think that the Academy is something you would enjoy you can join here:

I wanted to learn the classical guitar with a passionate and experienced teacher who is serious about helping people develop a solid foundation. Discovering the CGCA and listening to a couple of episodes from Simon’s CGC podcast, I thought — This is it! I want to learn at the school! Now I have been a member for three years and feel truly fortunate to have started my classical guitar journey here.

– Aiko H.

I originally joined CGC because I liked the structure of the curriculum.  As a mother of three little ones, I could squeeze in lessons at times that fit my busy schedule.  Dr. Powis is a master at breaking down complex movements of the guitar into a step-by-step program that gradually builds a player up.  My goal was to grow my technical and musical abilities and play pieces I didn’t get around to playing in college after two years of study.  I succeeded in that goal and learned to play pieces beyond anything I imagined I would be able to play.  After four years of study with the academy, I passed my Grade 6 exam with really great results!  I’m really proud of the results I saw in myself.  I am also really grateful for the CGC community who graciously uplifts and encourages each other during the journey.  Enjoying the journey is at the heart of so many interactions I have had with my fellow peers on this site.  I’ve made some really good friends from being a part of this community, friends from all over the world!  Both faculty and members have made a wonderful impact on my musical development. Thank you, CGC Academy!

– Kari C.

“Simon provided me with the many tools necessary for me to improve my playing and prepare me for a Master’s degree in guitar performance. ”

I had the pleasure of studying with Simon as an undergraduate at Yale University.  Simon played an influential role in my development as a guitarist and my interest in pursuing a career in music.  Prior to studying with Simon, I had been playing guitar for many years but had never received extensive training in technique and efficient practice methods.  Simon provided me with the many tools necessary for me to improve my playing and prepare me for a Master’s degree in guitar performance.  It was through Simon in which I learned the importance of practicing scales and working on technical exercises, as well as how to be my own teacher so that I could understand what methods of practicing worked for me.  In addition to giving me many helpful ideas and tips, Simon constantly pushed and encouraged me to strive for improvement and explore new opportunities, such as entering a competition and giving my first solo recital; as a result, I gained a deeper passion for guitar.  Through Simon’s guidance, I realized that I wanted to pursue guitar as a career.

Koh Kazama

Masters of Music (Yale) Doctorate of Music (Stony Brook NY)

Classical Guitar Corner Academy has been a game changer for me. I’ve been a lover of guitar since age 10.  After years of focusing on acoustic pop and fingerstyle guitar, I began studying classical guitar in my 40’s. However, because of my schedule, lessons were infrequent and mostly focused on learning repertoire. I often dreamed of attending a music school to study a graded curriculum. That dream came true upon finding Classical Guitar Corner Academy.

I have been a member of CGC for 7 years, and have grown enormously in theory, technique, repertoire, and performance. Steadily working through the curriculum at my own pace led to steadily moving forward. I have witnessed countless fellow academy members, many of whom were complete beginners, become wonderful musicians. Last year, I was able to begin attending my local guitar society and have shared many open mic performances with confidence and joy. Just recently, the guitar society asked me to be a featured artist and perform a recital in the upcoming season.  This is such an honor. I am so grateful for my studies at Classical Guitar Corner Academy which have brought me to this point and provided me with the skills to confidently prepare for such an event!

– Donna Z.

I’ve always wanted to learn classical guitar, but it seemed daunting. The information was overwhelming and I didn’t know where to start. I tried learning from YouTube videos, but it was too much information and I didn’t feel like I was making progress. Then I found Classical Guitar Corner Academy.

The lessons are organized in a concise and easy-to-follow way, so I don’t feel overwhelmed by the information. The teachers are incredibly knowledgeable and patient, so I always feel supported and encouraged. The community is supportive and friendly, so I’m always motivated to keep learning. I’m learning a lot and having a blast! I’m already playing my favorite classical pieces and I can’t wait to continue learning.

– Erica G.

“Simon Powis is the rare combination of a virtuoso guitarist and a thoughtful, forward thinking pedagogue”

Simon Powis is at the vanguard of classical guitar pedagogy. By following his method, one can build a solid classical guitar foundation and much more. I have been using and recommending his scales and arpeggio book for years now and find it to be one of the very best available. Simon presents all of his material with great enthusiasm, clarity and authority. He is the rare combination of a virtuoso guitarist and a thoughtful forward thinking pedagogue.

Benjamin Verdery

Professor of Guitar, Yale University

“Although he has performed, taught and given master classes all over the world, the talented and personable guitarist is perhaps most widely known these days for his highly regarded online classical guitar pedagogy: Classical Guitar Corner.”

Classical Guitar Magazine

Editor, Blair Jackson

Learn Classical Guitar

I’ve considered myself an intermediate level guitarist since my studies of the classical guitar in undergraduate school. But like many, my vocational path, family and other responsibilities required my attention and energy for most of my adult life. Years later, with the advent of the internet and online education, the world of the classical guitar arrived once more on my doorstep! My love for the guitar reawakened as I gained more time to devote to study and practice.

As an experienced player, I was immediately impressed with the fundamentals course, warmup and practice routines, and the individual graded courses. I enrolled in the Grade 7 course and benefitted from the guidance on the assigned practice routines and repertoire choices. Each segment of Grade 7 was connected to a video tutorial that I found immensely helpful. Eventually, I submitted for my grade 7 exam and passed with very detailed and encouraging feedback. Over the next two years I focused on the Grade 8 materials and had the same productive experience. When I completed these grade exams over a period of three years, I realized that my playing had reached a level I had not been able to achieve before. Through CGCA I have learned how to approach deliberate practice, focus on technical issues, and develop new repertoire. An added bonus has ben learning to regulate performance anxiety through opportunities to perform for the teaching staff and for other students. I continue to participate at CGC through community challenges, summer schools, online coaching masterclasses and all in the context of a generous and enthusiastic community of players.

If you are a beginner or an experienced guitarist, CGCA and its professional teaching staff can offer a clear and acheivable path to more developed and enjoyable playing of the classical guitar. I am so grateful for discovering CGCA. You will be too.

– Rick L.

Would it be worth joining? I really didn’t know. I’d certainly admired Simon’s teaching approach when I’d encountered him online outside the Academy. I was a relative newcomer to classical guitar, taking it up from a standing start in my middle age, and had had some lessons a few years back. But those had stopped, and I thought: I’m now a bit directionless, so why not give the Academy a try, see what it’s like, maybe for a year?

That was four years ago. I had absolutely no conception back then of the extent to which being part of this cohort of fellow-travellers would motivate and inspire me. It is a living, breathing and thriving college community of like-minded, committed, mature students, willing to share experiences, work towards common goals, and demonstrate accountability. All so friendly, all so supportive, and all so human.

Many members work towards the Academy’s well-respected grade certificates (reflecting the ABRSM system), but this is by no means essential. For everyone, there is the vast, comprehensive array of technical, repertoire and theory video tutorials and masterclasses, constantly being added to, all marshalled for ease of reference in the library section. Which I can dip in and out of at any time; and I do.

There are plenty of live online events, and for those of us who have a desire to perform, there are regular performance opportunities, as well as the optional one-to-one coaching sessions – all under the expert and ever-cheerful and endlessly supportive encouragement of the superb teaching faculty.

I can’t imagine not being a member. Nope. Can’t imagine it.

– Helen S.

I felt a need to go back to basics and to have fun with the guitar, find that joy that had gone a bit missing. I found CGC and being a member has helped me in many ways, I now feel so much joy in playing and learning!

– Magdalena B.

I joined CGC as a beginner in 2022 after an attempt to learn on my own that didn’t go very far. Not only did the curriculum exceed my expectations, the teachers and community are Incredibly supportive and inspire me to keep practicing in order to continue on this journey. I joined just after the Cornerstone Method was released which I think was instrumental in setting myself up for success. I haven’t even fully taken advantage of all the resources available to members, but I’ve participated in a grade exam, member challenges, and attended summer school this year. I credit the teachers and method for enabling me to participate in such an amazing experience within a relatively short time frame!  I love that there is tremendous value for everyone from complete beginners to very experienced musicians.

– Catherina C.

Several years of using self-help method books, online tutorials and video exchange programs had left me frustrated with what always seemed a piecemeal approach to advancing my guitar studies.  When I discovered the CGC Academy with its expertly structured, grades 1-8 curriculum, a highly responsive and dedicated staff, and a global community of fellow students eager to share the journey, I knew I’d found a new home.  Seven years on and I could not be happier with my decision – coaching calls, performance seminars, member challenges, open mics, summer school, feedback from fellow students and instructors – all have served to take my playing to a level I never thought possible.

– Mark C.

I was by myself at home on a Saturday playing guitar. Discovering Classical Guitar Corner helped me connect with people and communicate the joy of studying music.

Playing classical guitar has been deeply rewarding for me, the community of enthusiasts I have come to know inspire me.

I am a life-long learner, I love to study. The structure and flexibility of Classical Guitar Corner encourages my creativity with excellent educational resources and wonderful people.

Practicing classical guitar is a passion in itself, engaging in a structured process is a joy as the sharing of music is profound and beautiful.

Classical Guitar Corner is rooted in the love of playing music while joyfully pursuing the intricacies of the conversation.

Connecting with fellow students, listening, and participating, is joyful as the study of classical guitar is a shared passion.

– Drew B.

I am from St. Louis, MO and I have been a member of Classical Guitar Corner since 2017.

When I describe the CGC experience I could mention the thoughtful curriculum and outstanding teachers who are available to guide you as you study classical guitar through coaching sessions, feedback on grade level examinations, and special courses. I could mention the performance opportunities with open mic sessions, performance seminars, Guitoberfest in the fall, and of course summer school. But you can learn about all of this on the website for Classical Guitar Corner.

What you cannot learn from the website is the feeling of being a part of an international community of musicians who share a common interest – love of playing the classical guitar. This is a very special community that supports one another as we learn together. It is a community that crosses time zones and international borders. Sharing our videos and live performances requires us to be willing to take the risk of being less than perfect when we play classical guitar – whether we are true beginners or professionals. Through chats and unmuted applause in ZOOM sessions, and by wonderfully encouraging feedback in the participant forum, we help one another become comfortable taking that risk so we can grow as musicians. Lifelong friendships have been formed.

There are many paths for learning classical guitar and they all have value. I joined CGC because I wanted to improve my own playing. I have remained a member in CGC because of the community.

– Martha K.

“I am very pleased that I can now read a sheet of music without having to stop and pencil in the notes!!”

Reading Music – I had fallen into the habit of using tablature to learn new songs. This had been drummed into me from day 1 when, at 11 years old, I took my first guitar lesson. No music, only tab. I had grown comfortable with this so having to back up an learn music again was really tough. I am very pleased that I can now read a sheet of music without having to stop and pencil in the notes!! The structure of the course really helped me to do this and the advice on how to practice (slow and constantly) plus how to structure my practice time really helped.

Michael Mallen

CGC Academy Member

If you are someone with limited and unpredictable “me time”, CGC’s combination of well structured curriculum, “always on” availability, and skilled, enthusiastic, personable instructors provides an ideal stairway to classical guitar heaven.

– Mark C.

Thanks Simon. The study guide is wonderful. There are so many great suggestions about bringing out what’s wonderful about Lagrima. Thanks for making one of my favorite pieces even more of a treasure.

– Wayne O.

I’m a professional musician, and picked up the classical guitar last year when tours were canceled. Thought it would keep my hands in shape and inspire me.  It has done all that and more.

Though I graduated from Berklee, (songwriting major/guitar performance) I’m starting slow and going through your program, ya’ll have done an amazing job and I look forward to REALLY understanding the classical guitar and the techniques involved to bring it to life. Pure Joy.  There are a few classical guys in town but not many.

Thank you all for the inspiration, and I look forward to diving into the deep end of the pool.

– Gary C.

“Finding this site has been one of the great joys in my life.”


CGC Member 2I’ve seen a lot of change in guitar pedagogy in my life and I think that the clarity of your teaching as well as your expert use of technology provides enormous value to guitar students at all levels.

– Lou

CGC Member 3I am now 56 years young and it took a lot of trial and error trying to learn on my own and jumping from one you tube channel to the next without any clear path for progression until I came upon Classical Guitar Corner!

– Chris

“I hope that you will please excuse me, as I am still getting over the shock of the amazing quality of this site, our teacher and all of you! I looked at the free lessons skeptically and then joined for just a month (because what could that hurt really)….but honestly I was prepared for the experience to be an utter waste of time and money. I could not have been more WRONG. Now that I’m in the middle years of my life I’m excited to have time to re-focus my efforts and I’m thrilled at having found this incredible resource! Looking forward to meeting my fellow students and sharing our passion for guitar.”
– Cheryl Ann

I just went back and played scales I had been practicing in Segovia’s scale book before I discovered your courses…what a difference in how I played the shifts in those scales…thank you, thank you, thank you!

– John R.

Hi Simon

I’m still loving all the stuff you have taught me and supplied so far.  Hopefully I will be ordering the Technique & Musicianship course at the end of the month because I am thoroughly enjoying my playing again with renewed enthusiasm.

Many thanks for all the pleasure you are enabling me to have with my guitar.

– Tony Stamp

I’ve just got to say I love your website, the sense of community, the podcasts and more importantly for me I’m really making progress.

I took lessons 30 years ago, however, I realise I was never taught how to practice and this is making a huge difference. Not getting hung up on little errors when keeping tempo is also a new approach for me. I used to do the classic ‘fix it up’ error as you have talked about.

– Paul L.

Dear Simon,

A very very late thank you for all the material you have so generously given us free access to.  There is so much I could say in praise of your abilities, that it might crash my email server!  Suffice it to say that I know I have got the best tutor I would wish for even though you’re across the Atlantic from me.  I did have a guitar tutor, but found that I got really stressed out before the lesson and had to stop,   so this form of ‘distance learning’ really works for me.

– Vivian

For six months I took beginning classical guitar lessons from a local instructor. While I did learn to play, I suspected I was not learning proper technique. For example, I questioned my instructor repeatedly about which fingers to use on my right hand. “Anything that feels comfortable” was the answer. Eventually I went in search of better instruction. Because there were no other local teachers, I took a leap and tried online. The first course (not Simon Powis) was geared toward more advanced players and left me frustrated. I almost gave up, thinking perhaps I was just not a good student. Then I found Classical Guitar Corner. At last, succinct and clear explanations of basic techniques and, even more valuable, how to practice. I was grinning from ear to ear while viewing this lesson on string alternation and crossing: here was the simple answer to the many questions I asked my first instructor. Thanks to Simon, I have re-booted my classical guitar “career” and feel like I finally have a roadmap that will get me to my destination. PLEASE keep offering these courses!

– Patti 

Hello Simon,

I recently ordered your 20 Practice Routines, and wanted to let you know how impressed I am with it.  I have many classical guitar books with technical exercises in them, but yours are absolutely the best I’ve ever seen anywhere!  In fact I was in the process of creating my own daily practice exercises when I ran across yours.  Yours are much more thorough and detailed than mine.  Thank you for saving me so much time.  I have put your exercises into a notebook with Giuliani’s 120 arpeggio studies for the right hand and now I have a great practice routine for everyday.  Thanks so much for a really great publication!  I will be ordering some more of them soon.

With best regards,

I was initially learning the guitar in a very random, haphazard and unfocused way so thanks for making these videos; I’m finding them very well paced and I’m enjoying the learning process greatly so far :) The strings (and indeed, the guitar as a whole) no longer feel as unfamiliar as they did to my inept fingers – I think I’m bonding with it :)
– David

Your online videos allow me to have an instructor ANYTIME!, I really really love your calm demeanor, your comment when you’re demonstrating a technique (i.e. the finger planting exercises) – and you buzzed – it allows me to know that it’s OK to buzz, just go back and focus on correcting THAT the next time. I’m doing your exercises for intermediate to advanced daily and really really enjoy them. I need structure – I can get in WAY over my head and have to back track to focus on excellent execution and technique. I find that after I watch your instructional videos, I have a calmer demeanor and am less stressed when I practice – so great job!

– Laura

Love the duet. Admittedly, the first two times I was so distracted by your cool part that I repeatedly flubbed my own. Finally I just listened to your part while *mentally* playing mine — and that did the trick for me. Once we were fully in sync, I recorded the piece and beamed with unabashed pride at the music coming out of my little Bose wireless speaker. Dude, we sound great!

Seriously, I live in a small town and really relish the opportunity to play with another guitarist, even a virtual one. Hope you will keep the duets coming.

– Patti

Hey Simon, I am a classical guitar student who is immensely grateful  to have discovered your website while searching the vast universe of stuff out there in cyber land.   I can only imagine how much effort and time goes into a making the most organized, methodical lessons out there. So thank you!

I have purchased several of your workbooks and hope to start working on Lagrima soon. Please keep those video lessons coming.

– Veronica

What a great feat of brilliance you have accomplished at ClassicalGuitarCorner. So many thanks to you that you cannot count them.

– Marilynn

Really thrilled – just did the two classes on Introductory harmony and chords. I have often been puzzled by these phrases, major fifth and seventh! This was a marvellous introduction. I not only am beginning to know how to play some chords but why they are so useful in playing music – Thank you again . By the way one of the advantages of learning this way is that I can repeat your lessons several times as I did in the case of these two.

– Ruth 

Hey! Simon. I found you on youtube and might i say that your videos are the most comprehensive and educational (and fun) videos on the classical guitar. I have been playing guitar for 5 years and thanks to constant self undermining i always think that i am not good enough. I find classical music to be very enchanting and the plethora of techniques it requires in its execution are vast to say the least. Hence, i am here to learn. As much as possible. As frequently as possible. Thank you for being so awesome. I hope i get to a level where i can play my music and be greeted with serene silence and awe, contributing a small smidgen of elixir to felicitate the revival of classical music in a generation where the phrase ” gucci gang” repeated for 16 measures is considered good music.


An aspiring guitar teacher.

– Abhineet P.

While I have only recently begun playing guitar as in four months or so, I have had a chance to work with a number of on-line instructional sites and I do sincerely feel you have come up with the best approach to on-line instruction for adults.  And I have a high regard for the quality and content of many of the other sites so kudos to you and Simon for being the best in a quality field.

– Francis R.

I would also like to mention that I have used other guitar sites over the years but yours is the only one that I have felt that I have made progress with as Simon is an excellent teacher who has a way of explaining things so at last I am starting to understand this strange language called music and enjoying it. Please thank Simon for me.

– David P.

CGC has helped my life. The videos are great and it generally makes me enthusiastic to keep learning. I’m a beginner guitarist.

– Matt L.

I have found the CGC course to be amazing and it has exceeded my expectations when signing up. An incredible amount of background work is clearly done to achieve such a polished program and the teachers and fellow students are so gifted.

– Gabriel H.

The academy does amazing work! It is very impressive that CGCA motivates students to work so hard.

– Paul N.

I am really enjoying everything about CGC. You all have built an amazing academy and I feel like I’ve really progressed since joining. The coaching calls help a lot, and I’m working through the levels of Grade 1.

– Branin S.

What you do at CGC is amazing. … I deeply appreciate CGC not just for the academy, but also for the community and ethos you have built. What you are doing is truly world class and very special.

– Gary R.

The quality of your video productions, the structured approach, the quality of instructors (I never would have thought I could learn from such quality instructors and people), and the amazing community all contribute to set a very, very high standard in online education, regardless of the discipline….Even though I have only met a few of them, I feel like everyone at CGCA is family.

– Glenn S.

I’m so grateful for the past year of study at the CGC academy. I’ve found the quality of instruction and supportiveness of the community to be unparalleled in the realm of online music learning. I will certainly recommend the site to others.

– Nikolas Mussmann

Dear Simon and the Team,

I hope you and your families are all safe and well.

I am dropping you an email to express my most sincere thanks for the inspiration and instruction that your community has offered me over the last twelve months.

I’m not even sure where to begin with this and I don’t want to bore you with all the details but the content of your teaching material and podcasts has helped me immensely through an incredibly difficult period in my life.

Having previously completed my Grade 8 in the UK I had a very fallow period on the guitar, feeling like I had burnt myself out trying to “get there” in just four years.  Career changes and relocations absorbed my time and I didn’t pick up the guitar for quite some period afterwards.

Two years ago, I found your podcasts which provided me with great inspiration to pick up the guitar again.  I got in contact with CGC and, thanks to a series of lovely emails from Dave, I signed up as a full member.  Unfortunately, significant life events took over at this stage and I was unable to engage with the material as much as I had liked.

This time last year I really began digging in to the material and refreshing my technique.  I began learning some of the Grade 6 repertoire and found such enjoyment in playing again.

Sadly, in mid November 2019 my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, very late stage.  He was the person who inspired me, through his love of music when I was growing up, to pick up a guitar.  He loved classical guitar and my first experience of live classical music was going with him to see John Williams.  I took my guitar with me on my visit before he was moved to the hospice and played Lagrima and Adelita for him.  It was the last time he heard me play.

17 days from diagnosis we lost him and he requested that I play Lagrima at the funeral, which I duly did.  I spent hours watching the tutorials for this piece, Simon, and I cannot thank you enough.  This piece means so much to me now and whenever I am missing him I play it with such happiness.  Lagrima will always be in my repertoire.

As a family, we now find ourselves in a very similar position to last year, and yesterday I did an 8hr round trip to visit my gran who is in the same hospice as my dad was.  This gave me the opportunity to catch up on some of your podcasts.  The material on motivation and the three types of learning inspired me immensely and the interview with David Russell was incredible.

The content of CGC could not be any better and the tutorials you deliver, Simon, are truly amazing.  I want to thank you most sincerely for the work that you do and, from an incredibly personal perspective, for giving me such an beautiful, eternal link to my father through Lagrima.  Had I not joined CGC I know that I would still not have been playing during this period and would, therefore, not have had the opportunity to play for him and share this connection for a final time.  I simply cannot thank you enough.

With deepest thanks and best regards,

– Drew S.

Before joining the Classical Guitar Corner Academy (CGCA), I was mostly a self-taught guitarist for over a decade. While I could play mechanically, the musical expressiveness was missing. My fingers were familiar with the strings, but my music lacked the desired dynamics, tempo rubato, and tone color variations that bring it to life.

In just six months at CGCA, the transformation has been unbelievable. Numerous “a-ha” moments have enriched my practice. The Academy boasts a meticulously organized curriculum that covers not only finger movements but also integrates musical expressiveness right from the start. What’s remarkable is the curriculum’s emphasis on more than just solo performance – it includes practicing duets, involving playing along with either one of the guitar parts. This has enhanced my listening skills and synchronization with fellow musicians.

However, the true gem is the CGCA community. I’ve never encountered a more supportive and welcoming group. Beyond graded exams, the CGCA team orchestrates monthly events like member challenges, performance seminars, Q & A sessions, and open mics for collaborative learning and playing. What stands out is their commitment to making these events accessible to everyone, regardless of location or skill level. The events are recorded and posted in the forum, allowing continuous learning from teachers’ feedback.

So, if you’re wondering whether to give CGCA a shot, I say go for it! I’m just halfway through my first year, and I already know I’ll be sticking around for years. The progress I’ve made in expressing myself musically is something I couldn’t have achieved on my own. Joining CGCA was a turning point for me, and I’m excited to see where my guitar journey goes from here.

– Andika P.

CGC Academy is a wonderful online place to learn how to play classical guitar with instructors who are top-notch musicians and have a passion for teaching classical guitar.  I started at the very beginning and have been working through the curriculum at my own pace.  Playing duets with a long-distance partner and with prerecorded parts in the lessons has been one of the highlights for me at CGC.  However, the main reason I joined CGC was from to a 1-on-1 Zoom call with Dave Belcher, the Community Manager, which included a tour of the CGC website, info about the different optional activities that members could participate in, and how the curriculum was structured.  Having that personal contact and being able to see the website content from a member’s perspective BEFORE joining made me feel that CGC Academy would be a friendly, respectful online community where I could pursue my desire to learn classical guitar and get help when I needed it…and it has been all of that.  Having been a member now for a few years, I’m totally enjoying my classical guitar journey there!

– Ruth K.

CGCA has been an amazing find. I played steel string acoustic and electric guitar for years from my late teens through early 40s. I had a band, the whole deal. Then I stopped and hadn’t touched a guitar for over a decade. I had always loved classical guitar and flamenco but (despite owning a nylon string guitar) never played those styles. In early 2022, after burning out on news and the state of the world, I decided to listen to a lot more music and pick up the guitar again. But this time it would be my nylon string. After the usual YouTube University “study” that leaves you more confused and frustrated than you were prior to starting, I began researching learning classical guitar online. Online instruction is commonplace now but none were available when I stopped playing years ago. So it was like a brand new world. I found a few sites that looked promising. One ended up being a massive disappointment. The second was decent but I didn’t really click with the instructor’s approach. I decided to go with CGCA for a combination of reasons including the top notch teaching method, the method of instruction really clicked with how I learn, and the communication with the staff was incredible. And I wasn’t even a student yet! At the time, I was working on a job out of town for about 6 weeks, long enough to dip my toes into the CGCA pool so I did a trial month. I was blown away. The quality and depth of the instruction was truly mind blowing. I found the teaching progression both interesting and doable. And my fear of sight reading turned out to be completely unfounded. AND, the other students (literally from around the world) are spectacular. The positive culture that CGCA has built is infectious. Everyone has a helpful remark to give and now at a little past the one year mark and making my way through the Grade 2 material I can say with confidence that CGCA is the best online classical guitar instruction I’ve seen, and is perfect for me.

– John S.

I have been a member of the Classical Guitar Corner Academy for four years now. When I started out, I had only played Classical Guitar for a brief stint as an eight year old. Needless to say I didn’t stick with it and later went on to play other styles of guitar, mainly self-taught. Many years passed – marriage, children, career, and I still played the guitar, but I was not really improving. So I decided to try Classical Guitar, and went searching online for resources. In the age of YouTube you can learn just about anything online, and for about 2 years I used as many free online resources as I could find, some great, some not so great. But I got to a point where I could progress no further. This was about the time I discovered Classical Guitar Corner, and finally decided that I needed to take a more structured approach. I ordered the Graded Repertoire  and the 20 Practice Routines books, and after a while, I signed up for a membership. The lessons are simple yet effective, and the teaching style is friendly and approachable. You can go at your own pace, and go forward and back to lessons you have already done as many times as you like. There are also Masterclasses by renowned international concert performers, a vast technical library and many other resources you can use to further your skillset. The faculty are also always available to assist you with challenges, and there is an online community that makes you feel like you have finally found that group of people that share your love of the instrument. I am very happy I found Classical Guitar Corner and would encourage anyone looking to learn guitar, from complete beginner to intermediate and advanced players looking to develop their technique, to consider joining the community at Classical Guitar Corner Academy.

– Matt G.

I have been in the CGC since mid 2022; I had just re-started playing the classical guitar after a gap of 12 years and was looking for authoritative online lessons and feedback on my playing; I didn’t want to go for in-person lessons at the time due to lack of time. The CGC is an outstanding online resource. It has several important features. First, the pre-recorded video lectures are fantastic and I keep revisiting them again and again to improve my technique and repertoire performance. Second, the graded repertoire has exposed me to really great music that I can play at my level and enjoy; this solves the problem of finding out what to play at one’s current level. Third, the grade exams (which one can do every six months) allow one to structure one’s mid-term goals, and the exams themselves are really useful as feedback on one’s progress. Fourth, the regular live meet-ups online are very helpful, and if one misses one, one can watch a recording later on. Fifth, the masterclasses on specialized topics like customizing the action on one’s guitar have been a game-changer for me.  Sixth, the one-on-one feedback available online from the teachers has always been extremely useful.  Finally, the entire community of learners and teachers is very welcoming and encouraging; I often post my video recordings of my repertoire, and others watch them and comment on these, which increases one’s confidence in public performance.

– Shravan V

It was upon membership with CGCA that my classical guitar studies truly began in 2021. For the three years prior I dabbled in courses and books . But what I clearly was missing was a structured curriculum and pathway. CGCA has provided this and so much more. The thoughtfully formulated comprehensive curriculum has provided me with so many new skills and an ever increasing knowledge base. Live seminars and events are abundant. Our knowledgable and highly devoted instructors provide opportunities in learning that are unsurpassed. Topping all of this off is a global community of  equally supportive, passionate classical guitar students from across the globe representing all levels of study. CGCA website and its forum stages a very interactive platform for sharing our journeys while being resources to one another. And it is a place where friendships are formed. This has been an investment that continues to provide rewards every step of the way.

– Mollie D

I took up the guitar in my 60s starting with Hawaiian slack key, where the traditional form of instruction is to watch and imitate. Although I learned to play some songs that way, I didn’t really know what I was doing and felt the need for some structure. CGC Academy fulfills that need perfectly. Not only did it get me started on firm ground technically, it introduced me to some beautiful classical guitar music at the same time. Best of all, CGC Academy is a friendly and supportive community with regular live lessons and interactive sharing.

– Cynthia H.

As a late starter with an anxiety disorder who lives in a relatively remote part of the world I was looking for a friendly, supportive and informed community of classical guitar lovers that I could learn with. CGC turned out to be all of this and more. I have found the program to be clearly set out, and the instructors to be not only well qualified but encouraging, helpful and most surprisingly available. I love that although one progresses at their own rate through a well-structured program, the invitation is also there to undertake exams, participate in regular Zoom group sessions and challenges. Or people like myself can just quietly hang out in the background and learn by watching other students.

It’s so good to feel part of a community of students of all ages and abilities from all parts of the world and with no pressure to perform, but with quality instruction and Support.

– Surmani R.

The Classical Guitar Corner Academy is perfect for me, as someone in my mid-thirties with a full-time job and no prior musical background. The curriculum is robust with everything I need to learn from the beginning and at my own pace. I am so glad to find a supportive community here as I dedicate myself to this journey.

– Vicky L.

As a complete beginner to guitar, I joined CGCA looking for information about how to structure my practice time. I have found that and so much more!  CGCA is a constant source of inspiration and education. I learn something new with every interaction with the incredible, supportive community of CGCA learners and teachers.  I am grateful for CGCA for providing a place for us all to come together to learn, create, and share our enthusiasm for the classical guitar.

– Kat L.

Joining Classical Guitar Corner Academy (CGCA) to learn classical guitar has transformed my experience of learning the instrument.  I started learning classical guitar in the 1980’s, attending regular lessons with a teacher where I was shown the basics of technique and progressed rather randomly through repertoire pieces.  I performed poorly in early grade exams and finally felt defeated when I struggled to progress.

Roll forward over 30 years and I wanted to try again and with tutorials on just about everything on the internet I searched for help in learning classical guitar and found my way to CGCA.    It provides a clear structured approach with tutorials guiding members through from the basics to Grade 1 right up to Grade 8 level, expert tutors and a wealth of supporting resources, exactly what I needed.  More than that CGCA is a community of learners of all ages from across the globe, who interact, support and share experiences and advice so that learning classical guitar is no longer a solitary pursuit.  I can learn at my own pace but progress is evident and measured and this time round there is real enjoyment and the belief that yes, I can play classical guitar.

– Mary S.

Over two years I have tried several platforms that were on offer on the Internet, but for this or that reason they did not meet my expectations, Then, by chance, I found a few videos on YouTube depicting CGC students performing at one of the Summer school meetings. I wish I could play as they did, I thought, and this was my reason to join in. Now after a year and a half, I passed Grades 1 and 2 anuj7yd now I have prepared the Grade 3 for submission, due in two weeks. My experience was more than positive. Anything on CGC is made from the heart: from lessons to pieces of advice, to coaching, to member gatherings … comprehensive, on a high academic level, jet with the gentle approach to any member, be it an advanced player or just somebody who bought their first instrument. As a member, you are in the center, and it is up to you to decide in which direction you want to go. But if you want there are no limits … in CGC you can go all the way up to a serious performing player.  But to me, the most important was the opportunity to meet other players, share thoughts, emotions, ups, and downs, follow their endeavors, and reflect on my own practice. That is really great. In a nutshell, to me, CGC is a great ongoing experience from people to people, with exceptional professional excellence endowed with true human warmth and heart! Thank you for filling such an important part of my life.

– Sinisa B.

I can honestly say that joining the Classical Guitar Corner Academy has been one of the most rewarding pursuits of my (fairly) recent retirement.  I had played different styles of guitar off and on through the years and now it’s as if a long-delayed dream of attending music school is being fulfilled.

CGCA offers a clear, step-by-step approach to classical technique, repertoire, and theory.  Simon Powis’s instruction is easy to understand, insightful, and friendly.  There are lots of opportunities to work directly with a group of excellent instructors and the available library of online resources is incredible.  As a bonus, the community of guitarists at CGCA provides regular support, camaraderie, and inspiration.

Most importantly, I think I’m steadily improving as a musician.  I’m taking on increasingly complex pieces with confidence. The world of classical guitar has really opened up to me since joining CGCA.

– Jim S.

I joined the CGCA in September 2021 when I retired after reviewing/trying various online programs and hearing a great podcast interview with Simon Powis. Joining this program has been the most helpful thing I have done to further my study and progress of learning how to play classical guitar. I’ve also utilized private teachers and while that is helpful the CGCA has been for me the most helpful because it supplies everything needed in an organised and graduated order from beginner to fairly advanced. There are video lessons, printable or downloadable repertoire and practice routines, and opportunities to perform and interact with other students. There is also an opportunity to enroll in online coaching and week-long summer school both of which I have done and they are great and worth the additional cost. To me this program has been an unbeatable value compared with anything else I have tried. It’s the closest thing to being in a conservatory that I could imagine and for me it is a staple of my classical guitar education.

-Lindy G.

Learning to play classical guitar was something I had always wanted to do.

I don’t know why I put it off for as long as I did, but at 54 yrs old, I bought a nylon string guitar and a beginners book on how to play the classical guitar.

I soon discovered that there were many online courses that would help me learn to play. I did some research and decided to invest in my education by signing up for the Classical Guitar Corner Academy.

What influenced my decision to sign up, were the CGC Academy’s sample videos I had seen online. Simon Powis was knowledgeable, articulate, passionate, but most of all sincere in his approach to teaching. I soon came to learn that all of the CGC teachers are just as knowledgable, articulate, passionate, and sincere.

Even though I had played electric guitar for years, there were holes in my music eduction. I could barely read music, I could not read rhythm notation, and I knew little music theory.

Within in a few weeks of signing up my musical skills developed. I was reading music! I was reading rhythm notation! The material is very approachable. The video lessons are clear and concise. The CGC members are always there to lend guidance and support via the CGC Member Forum. And the option to have private coaching sessions with the CGC staff is an amazing bonus.

Learning to play the classical guitar has been rewarding in more ways than I can count. I am grateful for the CGC staff and community for guiding me and accompanying me on this most excellent adventure!

My classical guitar journey has been life changing thanks to the Classical Guitar Corner Academy.

– Patrick M.