sight reading

Sight Reading with Rhythmic Subdivision

Sight Reading with Rhythmic Subdivision In this article we'll look at sight reading with rhythmic subdivision. This is an advanced counting technique that can help you develop solid rhythm. As you advance on classical guitar, [...]

Improve Your Sight Reading on Guitar

Improve Your Sight Reading on Guitar In this article we'll look at how to improve your sight reading on guitar. This is an intermediate lesson. In our beginner lesson on we offered a very broad overview. [...]

Sight Reading 1 Beginner Steps

  Sight reading is an important skill that should be developed from an early stage. In level 1, we are beginners, and so we will approach sight reading with a realistic set of goals, and [...]

G major and F major scales

Ok, so you have learned the scale in C, now it is time to start playing scales with sharps and flats in them. When you see a # sign next to a note, is simply means [...]